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Sunday, February 28, 2016


Kusimpan matanya yang bulat. Bening sekali. Hanya itu yang bisa kubawa pulang.

Monday, February 15, 2016

tentangmu kini

seribu tanya, tanpa jawab
menghitung yang tersisa, kenangan
hela nafas, meniup bayang
harapan, selalu hanya andai
keteguhan hati cemas, dilupakan
namaku; rindu

"seandainya saja ku bisa katakan, jangan kau tinggalkan" : (hey-Ipank)

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

ruins of persistance

dear lady,
how are you?
i see night and day
it's black and blue
but, i aint see you

when i stare the stars in the night sky
still hope everything is okay in  you
will i see you smile again?
now we have many miles to restrain

the sky so bright and the wind blows
flew my memory into you
like i don't need no other lover
even in my suffer

tomorrow is a mystery,
but don't you know?
sometimes what has been lost
can be found at last

dear lady,
know this forever
i do love to love you
it is true,
true as beautiful you